Bunte, Jonas B. 2019. “Raise the Debt: How Developing Countries Choose Their Creditors,” Oxford University Press.
- Best Book Award of International Studies Association (ISA)'s International Political Economy Section, 2020
- Best Book Award of the International Political Economy Society (IPES), 2021
- Available in Hardcover or Paperback ($20 with Coupon Code “ASFLYQ6”)
- Reviewed in Perspective on Politics, African Studies Review, and Politique Étrangère.
Journal Articles
- Bunte, Jonas B., Geoffrey Gertz, and Aleandra O. Zeitz. 2021. "Cascading Noncompliance: Why the Export Credit Regime is Unraveling." Review of International Political Economy. Online first.
[Link] [Paper] - Gray, Thomas, and Jonas B. Bunte. 2020. "The Effect of Grades on Student Performance: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment." College Teaching. Online first.
[Link] [Paper] - Kinne, Brandon J, and Jonas B. Bunte. 2020. “Guns or Money? Defense Cooperation and Bilateral Lending as Coevolving Networks,” British Journal of Political Science, 50(3): 1067-1088.
[Link] [Paper] [Appendix] - Bunte, Jonas B., Nadine M. Connell, and Zachary A. Powell. 2019. “War Abroad and Homicides at Home: Evidence from the United States,” Social Forces, 97(4): 1839-1863.
[Link] [Paper] [Appendix] - Bunte, Jonas B. 2019. “Why do Students Enroll in Political Science Classes?” PS: Political Science & Politics, 52(2): 353-360.
[Link] [Paper] [Appendix] - Bunte, Jonas B. 2018. “Sovereign Lending after Debt Relief,” Review of International Political Economy, 25(3): 317-339.
[Link] [Paper] [Appendix] - Bunte, Jonas B, Harsh Desai*, Kanio Gbala, Brad Parks, and Daniel Miller Runfola. 2018. “Natural Resource Sector FDI, Government Policy, and Economic Growth: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Liberia,’’ World Development, 107: 151-162.
[Link] [Paper] [Appendix] - Kim, Alisha*, and Jonas B. Bunte. 2018. “Demand for different types of public goods: Evidence from Nigeria,” Review of Social Economy, 76(2): 259-279.
[Link] [Paper] [Appendix] - Bunte, Jonas B, and Alisha Kim*. 2017. “Citizens’ Preferences and the Portfolio of Public Goods: Evidence from Nigeria,” World Development, 92: 28-39.
[Link] [Paper] [Appendix] - Bunte, Jonas B. 2016. “Wage Bargaining, Inequality, and the Dutch Disease,” International Studies Quarterly, 60(4): 677-692.
[Link] [Paper] [Appendix] - Bunte, Jonas B, and Laura Thaut Vinson. 2016. “Local Power-Sharing Institutions and Inter-Religious Violence in Nigeria,” Journal of Peace Research, 53(1): 49-65.
[Link] [Paper] [Appendix] - Bunte, Jonas B, Oliver Gloede, and Christoph Trautvetter. 2004. “The BOTOS-Approach: An Alternative Approach for Calculating and Achieving a Sustainable Debt Level of HIPC-Countries,” P&E Forschungspapiere, 5(1): 1-29. (Reprinted in: Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (gtz). 2006. Source Book on Poverty Reduction. Berlin.)
[Link] [Paper]
Under Review
- Ratliff Santoro, Lauren, and Jonas B Bunte. "Grades and Peer Effects"
- Bunte, Jonas B. and Les Stanaland*. "Foreign determinants of the Shadow Economy: The effect of Loans and Foreign Aid."
Work in Progress
- Bunte, Jonas B, Burak Giray*, and Patrick Shea. "Debt traps and land deals"
- Bunte, Jonas B., and John Taden*. "Explaining variation in tax revenues"
- Bunte, Jonas B., and John Taden*. "Foreign aid and tax systems"
- Bunte, Jonas B. "Course Policies and Student Success"
- Bunte, Jonas B. "Domestic Sources of International Cooperation: The case of EXIM Banks"
- Bunte, Jonas B, and Brandon Kinne "Networks of Bilateral Lending"
- Sarah Bauerle Danzmann, Paulo Cavallo*, and Jonas B. Bunte. "Electoral Effects of FDI"
- Bunte, Jonas B., Paulo Cavallo*, and Thomas Gray. "Political Effects of FDI inflows into the United States"
- Bunte, Jonas B. "Sovereign Lending after Default"
- Bunte, Jonas B, and Brandon Kinne. "Norms in Sovereign Lending"
- Bunte, Jonas B, and Thomas Gray. "The Congressional Politics of Export-Import Bank Reauthorization"
- Bunte, Jonas B. "Bilateral loans and Private investment"
* denotes grad student co-author