I am happy to advise BA and MA theses if a couple of conditions are met:

  1. The topic is related to the Politics of Finance, Debt, Investment, or Trade.
  2. The thesis cannot be purely theoretical — it must have some (either qualitative or quantitative) empirical component.
  3. Word limit of 10,000 words.
  4. Students follow these guidelines when writing their thesis:

For inspiration, here is a selection of possible topics:
  • Why were some German industrialists sentenced at Nuremberg trials, but not others?
  • Why does authoritarian Cambodia support Ukraine during the Ukraine war, but authoritarian Vietnam does not?
  • Why can China take control over some ports (see Sri Lanka), but not others (see Mombasa)?
  • Why do some western companies pull out of Russia as a consequence of the Ukraine war, while others do not?
  • Why do some countries of the developing world support Western sanctions against Russia, but others do not?